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Learn through play - teacher reads a story about disgusting worms, a passion of this small group of children
Inspired students are also confident learners and develop a range of important life skills. Basketball is one of the many activities that motivates them and teaches them focus.
Diploma students prepare their Visual Arts exhibition art portfolios and pieces for university application
BIS teacher explains complex formula to students.

Mit den Aufgaben wachsen

1991 traf die deutsche Bundesregierung die weitreichende Entscheidung, die Bundeshauptstadt nach der Wiedervereinigung 1989 von Bonn nach Berlin zu verlegen. Die Stadt Bonn musste ihre Zukunft neu überdenken und sich als Zentrum für Internationalität, globale Wirtschaft, Forschung und Wissenschaft profilieren.

Als die Pläne für "Bonn 2.0" voranschritten, wurde der Bedarf an einer internationalen Schule für die wachsende Zahl von Familien der Vereinten Nationen und der in der Region ansässigen Global Players deutlich.

Die Anfänge

Drei bereits existierende Schulen, die American Elementary School, die American High School und die British High School - die alle ihre Wurzeln in den 1950er Jahren hatten - schlossen sich im August 1997 zur Bonn International School zusammen. Zu dieser Zeit waren die meisten Bonner Botschaften bereits nach Berlin umgezogen oder auf dem Weg dorthin. Internationale Wirtschafts- und Forschungsorganisationen hatten in der Region noch keinen nennenswerten Einfluss ausgeübt. Die BIS öffnete ihre Türen erstmals im August 1997 für 300 SchülerInnen.

Seitdem ist die BIS stetig gewachsen und zählt heute 800 SchülerInnen. Während früher vor allem Botschaften und Diplomaten betreut wurden, nehmen wir heute eine bunte Mischung von Kindern aus international mobilen sowie einheimischen Familien auf. Ungefähr 20% unserer Schülerschaft kommt mit den Vereinten Nationen nach Bonn und an die BIS. Die weiteren 80% verteilen sich auf mehr als 100 Unternehmen. Zwischen 15% und 20% unserer SchülerInnen kommen aus Familien, die in Bonn ansässig sind, entweder international orientierte Deutsche oder Familien, die nach Bonn gezogen sind und sich in die Lebensqualität verliebt haben.

Akademische Wurzeln

Die BIS ist stolz darauf, sich seit mehr als 25 Jahren International Baccalaureate World School nennen zu dürfen.

Nachdem wir 1997 mit dem IB Diploma Years Programme begonnen hatten, erhielten wir 1999 die Genehmigung, das IB Middle Years Programme und im Jahre 2001 das Primary Years Programme zu unterrichten.  

With the diversity of 75 nations, BIS students often represent international Bonn at events like the opening of the WCCB.

Wir haben uns schon früh für ein Bildungssystem entschieden, das nicht auf einem bestimmten Länderlehrplan basiert. Dank des facettenreichen Spektrums der IB Programme können wir aus den sich entwickelnden akademischen Leitlinien und der internationalen Forschung darüber, wie Kinder am besten lernen und entwickeln, schöpfen. 

Bauen für die Zukunft

Bei der Eröffnung im Jahr 1997 war unsere Schule auf drei Standorte verteilt, die schon bessere Tage gesehen hatten. In den vergangenen 15 Jahren haben wir drei moderne, lichtdurchflutete Gebäude auf einem einzigen Campus am Flussufer finanziert, gebaut und eröffnet. Im Januar 2006 eröffneten wir das Waves-Gebäude, im August 2012 das Agora und im Januar 2017 das Crest. 


Bonn dignitaries mark the opening of Bonn International School

August 1997: A school is born. Bonn dignitaries and BIS' first Director turn out for the first day of this new school. BIS brought together 300 students from three British and American schools to form a truly international school.

BIS teachers celebrate Christmas in 1997 by raising a glass during the school's first ever Christmas party.

December 1997: The earliest staff photo found in our archives -- BIS teachers raise a glass during their first BIS Christmas party in 1997.

In January 2006, we opened our current campus after having been separated in 3 locations.

January 2006: Finally together! Up to this point, we had our students learning in three different buildings spread throughout the city. You can imagine the relief and excitement when the Waves building opened and had all of us in one place.

7 VIPS break ground with shovels to hail the start of the building project to increase BIS capacity for more students.

July 2011: Our community turns out to break ground on the Agora building, completed just in time for the start of school 13 months later. This building project was a fantastic partnership between public and private donors recognizing the role BIS plays in international Bonn.

Ribbon-cutting for the Agora building opening, the Agora is the centre of life in the Secondary School.

September 2012: Ta da! We celebrated the opening of the Agora building, the heart of our Secondary School. We marked this milestone with a music-filled community event and more formal event honouring donors and our staff.

In 2013 BIS joined an international effort to light up landmark buildings in green. What fun!

March 2013: We love learning about different cultures. Each year, we celebrate one of the countries or regions represented in our school -- ranging from Germany to China, India to Scandinavia, Canada to Latin America and Africa. As part of our Irish celebration, we joined in a world-wide global greening.

BIS students perform the musical Grease in BIS' annual theatre production.

November 2013: Grease, High School Musical, Into the Woods, Macbeth -- our annual theatre (or musical theatre) production is the highlight of the year for many of our Secondary students. From costumes to make-up, props to music, our students make these come alive in front of and behind the curtain.

In the Ice Bucket Challenge, students poured icy water over their heads to draw attention to the ALS disease.

August 2014: The year of the Ice Bucket Challenge. Community service has always been an important part of our curriculum and individual student development. The Ice Bucket Challenge was a fun way to draw attention to a serious issue, with our Secondary students and leadership taking the plunge.

More than 100 students were on hand to welcome participants to the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn.

June 2015: BIS is always ready to support the City of Bonn and international community, particularly the United Nations. Our students have sung and performed at many auspicious occasions. Here the opening of the World Congress Center Bonn.

BIS leadership uses shovels to break ground on the school's last building project.

February 2016: On a cold winter morning, our Leadership Team and Board Chair broke ground on our third building, the Crest. This building is now home to Secondary Maths, German and Further Languages as well as our senior lounge and exam rooms.

Secretary of State Steinmeier visited Diploma students in 2017 to debate current affairs.

September 2017: German Secretary of State, and later Federal President, Frank Walter Steinmeier visited our campus in  to debate current affairs with our Diploma students, and underline the importance of public service and advocacy.

'Save the World' - Student protesters pose with traditional Fijian dancers at COP23

November 2017: Bonn co-hosts the UNFCCC COP23 with Fiji. BIS students open the conference with a climate protest and music ceremony.

Chancellor Angela Merkel met and sang with our Primary School choir during a 2017 visit to Bonn.

November 2017: The year was indeed full of "political" highlights, including a song or two with Chancellor Angela Merkel during her visit to Bad Godesberg.

All 700 students gathered on outside playing fields for an aerial photo to celebrate 20 years, and then had birthday cake.

April 2018: The 2017 - 2018 school year marked our 20th anniversary. This photo was snapped with our entire student and staff bodies together on our playing field near the Rhine -- soon after, each grade level cut into their own birthday cake.

Solar panels cover the roof of our Agora building to reduce carbon emissions by 20%.

August 2021: We covered the Agora roof with solar panels to reduce our carbon emissions by 20%. This is part of an ongoing effort by BIS to reach carbon neutrality as pledged when we joined the UNFCCC Carbon Neutral Now program in 2016.

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